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The Ultimate Guide to Removing Glue Stains: From Simple Fixes to Pro Techniques

If you’ve ever found yourself battling stubborn glue stains on your floor, you know how frustrating it can be. Whether it’s the aftermath of a craft project, old carpet removal, or a renovation gone wrong, glue stains can be unsightly and tough to remove. But fear not! With the right techniques and a bit of know-how, you can effectively tackle these sticky adversaries and restore your floors to their former glory. This comprehensive guide will break down the most common types of glue stains, listed from easiest to most difficult to remove. We’ll provide detailed solutions and precautions for each type, and help you determine whether a DIY approach is feasible or if it’s time to call in the professionals.

Understanding Glue Stains: Types and Removal Techniques

1. PVA Glue (White Glue)

Difficulty: Easy DIY-Friendly: Yes

What is PVA Glue?

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) glue, commonly known as white glue or school glue, is widely used for everyday crafts and light woodworking tasks. It’s water-soluble, which means it dissolves in water while it’s wet and is generally easier to handle once dried.


  • Soften with Water: Apply a wet cloth or sponge directly onto the glue stain. Let it sit for a few hours to soften the glue. Once it’s softened, use a scraper—preferably plastic to avoid scratching the floor—to gently lift the glue off.
  • Vinegar for Residue: If any sticky residue remains, mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Apply this to the area, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe clean with a soft cloth.


  • Before applying vinegar, test it on a small, inconspicuous part of your flooring to ensure it does not damage the finish.

2. Carpet Glue

Difficulty: Moderate DIY-Friendly: Yes

What is Carpet Glue?

Carpet glue is a strong adhesive used to fix carpets to floor surfaces. It is tougher than PVA glue because it’s designed to be more permanent and withstand foot traffic.


  • Hot Water and Soap: Boil water and mix with a small amount of dish soap. Pour this mixture over the glue stain and allow it to soak for several minutes to loosen the adhesive. Then, scrape the glue away with a scraper or putty knife.
  • Adhesive Remover: For more stubborn carpet glue, apply a commercial adhesive remover following the manufacturer’s instructions. These are designed to break down the glue without damaging the flooring.


  • Always use gloves when handling hot water and chemical removers to protect your skin.
  • Ensure the area is well-ventilated if using chemical removers to avoid inhaling fumes.

3. Super Glue (Cyanoacrylate)

Difficulty: Hard DIY-Friendly: Yes, with caution

What is Super Glue?

Super glue is a fast-setting, strong adhesive used for a variety of household repairs. It forms a hard, plastic-like bond that can be very difficult to remove once cured.


  • Acetone Application: Acetone is effective at breaking down cyanoacrylate. Apply acetone using a cotton ball or cloth directly onto the glue. This may take several applications to soften the glue enough to be scraped off.
  • Specialized Remover: Commercial super glue removers are available that are specifically formulated to tackle tough cyanoacrylate stains.


  • Acetone can discolor or damage some floor finishes, so always perform a spot test in an unseen area first.
  • Use acetone in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves to protect your skin.

4. Epoxy Resin

Difficulty: Very Hard DIY-Friendly: Maybe (depends on the scale and setting)

What is Epoxy Resin?

Epoxy resin is a two-part adhesive system, used for everything from crafting to industrial repairs. It forms a very durable bond that is resistant to heat and chemicals once cured, making it one of the toughest glues to remove.


  • Heat Application: Use a heat gun or a hair dryer set to high heat to gently warm the epoxy. This softens it, allowing you to scrape it off with a putty knife or scraper.
  • Epoxy Solvent: Chemical solvents designed for epoxy can dissolve the glue. Apply according to the manufacturer’s directions and use with caution.


  • Excessive heat can damage some types of flooring, so keep the heat source moving and do not focus it too long on any one area.
  • Solvents are potent chemicals that require appropriate safety measures, including gloves, goggles, and adequate ventilation.

5. Construction Adhesives

Difficulty: Very Hard DIY-Friendly: Professional help recommended

What are Construction Adhesives?

Construction adhesives are heavy-duty glues used in building and construction projects. The most commonly adhesive used in Singapore by contractor is “Max bond”. They are designed to bond materials like wood, plaster, metal, and ceramic to surfaces and are extremely durable.


  • Mineral Spirits: Apply mineral spirits to the adhesive. Let it sit to soften the glue, then scrub with a stiff brush or scrape it off. Most common chemical can be used is using ” paint removal”, which is can soften the “glue” and remove slowly with scrapper.
  • Mechanical Removal: For especially tough adhesives, you might need to resort to sanding or using a mechanical scraper. These methods can be effective but are also more likely to damage the floor.


  • Handle mineral spirits with care, as they are flammable and emit strong fumes. Wear glove and avoid direct contact to the skin.
  • Sanding or scraping can permanently damage the floor’s surface, so it’s often best left to professionals who have the right tools and expertise.

When to Call a Professional

While many glue stains can be tackled with DIY methods, there are situations where calling in a professional is advisable. If you’re dealing with large areas covered in glue, particularly stubborn adhesives like epoxy or construction glue or Max bond, or if your flooring is made of sensitive materials like hardwood or natural stone, professional cleaners can offer a safe, effective solution.

Professionals have access to powerful solvents and mechanical equipment that can remove glue quickly and efficiently, without damaging your floors. They also have the expertise to handle complex situations, ensuring that your floor is not only clean but also well-preserved.


Dealing with glue stains on your floor can seem daunting, but with the right information and tools, you can handle most situations effectively. From simple soap and water to more complex chemical solvents, the solutions vary depending on the type of glue and the severity of the stain. Always start with the least invasive method and remember to take necessary safety precautions to protect both your floor and yourself. If you find the task too challenging or risky, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. With patience and persistence, your floors can look spotless and new once again.


If you are located in Singapore, you can find the glue stain removal specialist near you or contact 9reno for free quotation. As the situation is subjected to type of glue on different type of surface, the removal method and technic will be varies. WhatsApp photo to know more !

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