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About Us

We believe every project shall build right from starts no matter how small it is.

Every project has its own challenge and uniquity, with committed team we could achieve the significant milestone for our client.

Close relationship and supports from sub-contractors and suppliers will improve the workflow and minimise the disruptive on site where make us different from others.

Focus on Results

Delivery quality result better than thousand words.
With a committed team, we could focus to delivery the quality work consistently and better control on the work flow process.


Professional Practice

Competency and continuous training to all staff and workers are equally important to ensure work site is safe and work delivered to standard.
Every site staff and team need to know their work and role to play for success of the project.

High Referral Rate

Many of our client are work with us more than one project and recommended other new client to us. Our work that delivered on schedule and quality results has earned us a good names and spread by word of mouths.

Close Communication

Close communication with client is essential for the dynamic construction process. Work hand in hand with client on the changes in needs and refinements along the way.

Renovator ?

The standard and quality of the renovation contract shall be on pair as construction standard set by CIDB and all the necessary compliance by authority. As a contractor, professional builder, work shall constructed in best construction practice, building by law, specification for each trade where work under our care. We believe in continue learning and work hand in hand with industrial expert and most effective without compromise safety.
Renovation contractor and builder should equally perform as a designer roler, practitioner and applicator and ensure work/quality/safety are equally balance. The price and the responsibility of the work done is always a tug and war and always become a challenge with client. We strike to provide as detail breakdown and transparent work on our quotation and disclaimer for each trade of work to be perform.

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