Found the ceiling concrete slab start dropping of water ?
You may thinking the waterproofing above the slab has failed and water seepage from top floor to down stair.

What is the common slab leaking problems ?
- The above wet area ( kitchen / toilet/ roof) waterproofing is damaged.
- There are water piping ( pressure) above is leaking and seep through the slab.
- Discharge pipe such as waste pipe, sanitary pipe, WC outlet is loose and water seep through the outlet into the concrete slab.
- Embedded pipe inside the wall or slab is leaking through the slab. Eg. air conditioning discharge pipe.
Repair of Slab leaking
The first things to do is find out the root cause of the leaking reason. It can be time consuming to trace the source and no one off solution to fix it. Get an experience builder to trace the source and eliminate the problem one and another.
- first, stop any leaking water source. Example leaking pipe.
- Try to apply surface type waterproofing coating, example clear or grey expose waterproofing membrane.
- Re-routing all the pressure pipe such as water pipe above or get it run expose instead of conceal.
- Change the WC ( water-closet), discharge pipe connect to the floor trap.
- PU injection grouting from below and stop the leak immediately. This method is advisable when the most of easy method is done and left only least water and or you can’t do anything above ( example the above is your neighbor unit)
- Last, if possible and within your budget, you can consider to hacking and re-do the above slab/ toilet/ kitchen.
The cost for repair the slab leaking is mostly subjective and depend the extend of work required. The most important is to use the correct way for the repair, where it is subject to experience and knowledge of the builder and contractor. Talk to your contractor and explain your need in order to get your problem fix within reasonable cost.
Need help for fix the slab leaking ?
Talk to us and we provide non-obligation site visit and quotation.
WhatsApp us 98583011 or email us

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